William Shakespeare once said that “your eyes are the window to your soul”. So it is fitting that we keep these important gatekeepers healthy! Lutein, Zeaxanthin and Meso Zeaxanthin are related carotenoids that have been shown to play important roles in eye health. Quantification of these carotenoids is anything but routine because sample preparation is crucial. Often these carotenoids present in nature as complexes and it is the efficiency of extraction, optimization of chromatographic conditions and chemical strategies to liberate the free molecules from their complexed state that insures accurate determinations.
As a part of our rapid method development program, CAL has developed analytical methodology using High Performance Liquid Chromatography to quantify these molecules accurately and precisely in your natural health products and dietary supplement products.
To request testing please contact us. To learn more about Rapid Method Development please visit Method Development, Validation and Transfer.